With our unmatched market knowledge and customer insight, CFS is the world’s only specialist fuel and fleet consultancy set up to help you position your business for sustainable, profitable growth.

CFS will match skilled experts to every element of your initiative – from identifying acquisititon targets, to proposing joint ventures, to developing strategy, to defining sales and marketing planning, to transaction processing.

Ours is a team of experienced practitioners and industry leaders. CFS will support not just your thinking, but implementation planning and execution on the ground. We’ll help you turn great ideas into operational reality.

To find out more about how CFS’s unique consulting services can help your business, get in touch with us today.




Send us an email to: office@cfs-europe.cc


  • Europe’s specialist commercial fuel & fleet consultancy
  • Built by experienced practitioners, not career consultants
  • Founded on in-depth knowledge and understanding of Europe’s commercial fuel & fleet markets
  • Led by partners who have successfully built, grown and transformed fuel cards and payments businesses
  • Focused on solutions implementation and results-delivery - backed by unique strategic insight Where others talk – we DO